Saturday, June 13, 2009


Rather sooner than later the Big Day was here!!!... excitement, nervous, happiness... all those feeling were together when I opened my eyes at 9.00 am on Saturday May 23rd and realized that today was the day: As every bride will say the most exciting, memorable and short day ever.. Everything happened so fast that I wish that the day was 48 hours instead of 24. I enjoyed every second of it!

To get ready for the ceremony, my mom, my sister and myself decided to rent a room at the Eurobuilding hotel, where the process started with me eating a huge ice cream to calm down and pack on calories as I knew eating was not going to be a priority during the party, and as you can see below the extreme make over was ready to begin (my eye bags were huge after a non-stop week)

Time for pictures!!!. The photographers came on time: 5.00 pm but by then I was not ready: the make-up was just starting so the race against the sunset started and whit only 10 minutes of sun left I was ready for my pictures at 5.40 pm, so I run out of the room and went to the lobby to start the photo time... and differently from the groom I did enjoy it. Jon had his video and pictures session at 3.00 pm because I though it was fun to catch him and his groomsmen getting ready for the wedding, but as demonstrated by his face below, he obviously did not enjoy (he was sleep deprived and the pictures took the only few hours he could get a nap before the wedding)

And finally the time is here, the car is waiting for me and my dad to go to the church so here we go!. I got to the church and I was a bit nervous but it did not prevent me from having a granola bar, and the little chat with Lisette, Sandy and Tata helped a lot.

Now the show has to start!!!

Entering the church to my father's arm was an unforgettable experience: there I am with the man that gave me life and has fulfill it with the best of the best to make me happy, now transferring the responsibility to the man that will complete my happiness for the rest of our lives. The “wedding march” playing, and all our beloved friends and families making this day more than memorable. A good priest that understood that religion is not everything in life: if I have no love, I am nothing (1 Corinthians)... everything perfect, except for how hot the church was to the point that I have to ask to please turn on the fan before I fainted ;o)

Walking out of the church was equally exciting: men and wife holding hands and receiving great wishes, kisses and hugs. It is awesome looking around and realizing that everyone who is there loves you and came to demonstrate their appreciation.

So, now is time for the party to begin: get into the car and start driving with the horns knocking on your name and even strangers wishing you happiness. That way we got into de party room, where we received applauses when entering and open the dance floor with a Venezuelan Vals: Dama Antanona. The toast, more kisses, hugs and the party has officially started!!!

Party time flied... I don't exactly remember who I talked to adn who I did not, but I do remember enjoying every second of my party: Jon's father especial singing (that was so cool!!!), the crazy partying with the flying dragon and monkey during the "Hora Loca", la "meneadera" during "Tambores", and althoug I did not really eat I know the the few sips I got to drink and the "1 tequeno" and "chupe" I ate were delicious.

Few weeks before the wedding

Leaving on vacations for 1 month is not easy at all... my last 2 weeks before leaving Cincinnati were full of work both for the office and for the wedding. For the office I think everybody knows what I'm talking about. For the wedding, making sure that everything is well plan is not easy at all, especially when you have 48 international guests and you wanna make sure that they have a very enjoyable, safe and memorable time; and I have to say that I did a pretty good job with it. I won't presume that it was perfect, but almost ;oP.

Guest started arriving in Caracas on Wednesday and I managed to have 100% of success in safely providing transportation (especial thanks to Jean Carlos, who I didn't personally know but treated all my guests as if they were his) and daily touristic activities: they went to "El Centro", to "Panteon Nacional", Spanish restaurants in La Candelaria, the museums in "El Ateneo", "Avila Magica", great meat in "Rucion Moro", rumbita in "San Ignacio", "El Hatillo" and Margarita island.

Also, previous to leave Cincinnati, I had great surprises from my co-workers who were very cute in giving us good wishes and very creative gifts.

The Bachelorette & Bachelor parties

Although our real Bachelorette & Bachelor parties should have happened 2 years ago when we moved together, these were the official and nice ones.

Party # 1: The Bachelorette party that ended up in College reunion

Plans were done for having "Las ninas" reunion in Washington DC but it ended up being a really nice and fun College reunion that also gave space for pre-wedding toast & celebrations: que se repita, que se repita!!!

Party # 2: The surprise Bachelorette & Bachelor parties in Cincinnati

This was a real surprise!. On a Friday when I was completely destroy and ready to go to bed by 5 pm, I was convinced to go for dinner with 2 of my god friends... well, dinner ended up in a Bachelorette surprise party at Edna's house. Very very fun night!

It started with a "Pure Romance" party where we were introduced to some "love booster implements" and we played some silly but fun games. After that we got a very light Michelle's style dinner to finally move for partying downtown and getting several guys dancing around me before getting marry ;o). Thanks girls!!!

Jon also has his suprise party but I have no pictures and no first hand stories besides the fact that Jon could not sit down for a day after his butt cheeks were whipped to dead by a stripper!

Party # 3: The Caracas' parties
Again no stories for Jon's party but apparently he visited the "library" and had so much fun that he did not go to bed until 6 am although he had to wake up at 8.30 ;o)

From my side, I had a very nice dinner with my bridesmaids, aunts, mom, Ghoncheh and Kate... it was a nice only women night @ Tequilibrio